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No Regrets – New Year’s Resolutions

This is the time of year that a business/cybersecurity lawyer like me often hears about a lot of regrets. It happens when people, many of whom are business owners, reflect on the upcoming year and find themselves saying “I wish I had…”. This wish can come in many forms depending on the individual business and the major moves it made during the past year. For example, some might say that they wish they would have made their data more secure, while others wish that they would have noticed a particular provision of a contract that they signed.   Some may wish that they had made completely different choices throughout the previous year.  What I wish people knew is that these regrets may have been avoidable, if only they had gotten closer attention along with some help from a business/cybersecurity attorney.   

For this year, why not resolve that when you come across the need for a contract, a business merger, a review of your legal liabilities, or any other important legal, business matter, you will make sure to involve your business lawyer, if only to supervise the process.  A lawyer’s eyes and ears can help to spot problems and anticipate potential hold-ups or issues in these transactions. Indeed, your business attorney should be there to help you when you need a contract and/or throughout mergers or legal battles.  The lawyer’s job is to help your business stay on its toes holistically when it comes to all legal matters!  As a business lawyer, my job is to listen to my client’s individual wants, help anticipate my client’s business needs, and protect my client’s assets along the way. 

In the cybersecurity/data breach arena, a lawyer who is knowledgeable in that area of law may even help save you from potential disaster! The cybersecurity lawyer’s role is to keep you up-to-date on what data your business needs to protect, how to do so, and what to do if your security is actually breached. As a business owner, you can be held liable for failing to protect the personal and financial information of your business, your employees, and your customers– talking to a cybersecurity lawyer about prevention and liabilities before a problem occurs is oftentimes the best approach.  As a cybersecurity attorney, I can even help you form a contingency plan for what to do in the case of a cyberattack, with information on backing up information, storing it securely, and how to implement data security practices in your work place. 

In sum, a business/cybersecurity attorney can be one of your strongest allies in protecting your business. Having one at your side who knows you and your business and is working to protect you before any problems actually arise is one of the best ways to go about avoiding potential pitfalls. In other words, your business/cybersecurity attorney can help you start next year without any regrets.

The information presented here is for general educational purposes only. It does not constitute legal advice and does not create an attorney-client relationship.


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