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Education and How it Impacts Law and Cybersecurity 

Some of you may not know that I started my career as an educator – high school English! Even as I moved into the study and practice of law, this foundation has made me a firm believer in the positive impact that education can have in so many different ways. To this day, I still continue to enjoy teaching. As a lawyer, I continue to share my legal expertise and spread knowledge about cybersecurity, but I am also always a student myself.

Sharing my expertise is not only a part of my work as a business attorney, but it’s seen in other aspects of my professional life as well. I teach a range of audiences including college students, conference attendees, and business owners, acting as a professor, a speaker, and a lawyer. Spreading the knowledge that I’ve gained can help others in pursuing my field, as well as help protect them from potential threats to their business or personal assets.

Education is important to me not only as a teacher, but also as a student. Something I’ve learned as a lawyer is that when I meet a new client, it’s crucial that I learn how their business operates so that I can properly evaluate how the law comes into play. Different businesses use different practices, and of course, each must adhere to various regulations.

Keeping up with new laws and regulations, as well as the field of cybersecurity as it evolves, is another way that I am still always learning. The fields of law and cybersecurity are always on the move, changing to meet the current times and facing the effects of new events as well as waves of change around the world. I must continue to learn in order to perform the best that I can in my profession, so I am dedicated to doing so.

If you’re looking for a business or cybersecurity attorney to share their knowledge with you, I would be happy to help.

The information presented here is for general educational purposes only. It does not constitute legal advice and does not create an attorney-client relationship.


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